Una villa alegre y brillante en Mojácar envuelta en el calor del Mediterráneo

Mojácar Playa, Almería, Andalucía Property Ref: AP44
  • Doors
    3 Habitaciones
  • Sleeps
    Huéspedes 6
  • Poll
     Piscina  Piscina
  • Casa Ref: AP44

Simplemente fabuloso, simplemente muy satisfactorio: una villa en un empinada ladera con una hermosa piscina junto al mar y playas de arena, con vistas al Mediterráneo, las montañas y el paisaje seco e intrigante y salvaje de Almería que se extiende más allá. No muy lejos de la primera línea de playa y hay mucho para toda la familia de día o de noche. Capacidad 6 personas.

Booking information for AP44

  • La propiedad no es adecuada para niños pequeños ya que la piscina (tipo infinita o rebosante) tiene una posible caída desprotegida.

  • La piscina está abierta todas las temporadas.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 17:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 150 Euros. Cuando formaliza una reserva, está autorizando a retener contra su tarjeta este importe y cargar posibles daños/roturas, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP44

  • El día de cambio para esta propiedad tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen espacios indeseables entre las reservas en julio y agosto.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP44
Desde €109 por noche
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  • Prices are shown in the selected currency, but all payments are charged and processed in Euros
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Niños (3-15 años)
Bebés (0-2 años)
Los niños deben venir con un adulto
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Casa Ref. AP44

Mojácar Playa, Almería, Andalucía

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Simplemente fabuloso, simplemente muy satisfactorio: una villa en un empinada ladera con una hermosa piscina junto al mar y playas de arena, con vistas al Mediterráneo, las montañas y el paisaje seco e intrigante y salvaje de Almería que se extiende más allá. No muy lejos de la primera línea de playa y hay mucho para toda la familia de día o de noche. Capacidad 6 personas.


  • Bedrooms
    3 Habitaciones
  • Bathroom
    3 Baño(s)
  • Beds
    Huéspedes 6

WiFi Internet; TV; Reproductor de DVD; CD/radio; Terraza amueblada para comer; Piscina privada (forma irregular aprox. 9 m x 4 m, 1.10 - 1.80 m de profundidad, con escalones y luz nocturna); Hamacas

Vitrocerámica de inducción de 3 fuegos; Horno eléctrico; Lavavajillas; Microondas; Frigorífico con congelador; Hervidor; Cafetera; Tostadora; Exprimidor; Batidora.

Lavadora; Plancha & tabla de planchar; Calefacción central; Secador de pelo; Cuna bajo petición; Persianas en las habitaciones y mosquiteras; Ventiladores de techo (en dormitorios); Ropa de cama y toallas proporcionadas (incluidas toallas de piscina); Aparcamiento sombreado para 2 coches.

Notas sobre servicios

El Internet WiFi funciona bien en toda la casa, aunque puede que no llegue a una de las habitaciones.
La piscina se limpia profesionalmente dos veces por semana en la temporada principal de verano (una vez por semana el resto del año) y se mantiene durante todo el año.


Todo en una planta (con unos pocos escalones internos hasta el nivel del dormitorio)
Espacio abierto de salón, comedor y cocina unidas por arcos; Dormitorio 1: camas individuales (las camas son de 0,90 m x 1,90 m) con cuarto de baño/WC afuera en el pasillo; Dormitorio 2: cama doble (cama de 1.50 x 1.90 m) con baño en suite/WC (ducha sobre la bañera) y ventilador de techo; Dormitorio 3: cama doble (cama de 1.50 x 1.90 m) con cuarto de baño con ducha/WC y un salón simple, se abre a un lado a un pequeño patio y al otro lado a un pasillo a la terraza de la piscina; Terraza cubierta y amueblada.

Amplia terraza de la piscina.

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Bendecido con un clima semi-tropical que invita a las vacaciones durante todo el año, Mojácar, en el levate andaluz, tiene ciertas cualidades exóticas.

En Mojacar Playa los puntos de venta rivales compiten entre sí para tentar al turista con paellas españolas, ensaladas griegas, pizzas, curry, bicicletas, paseos a caballo, granizados.

Un poco más arriba, en medio de un vecindario de villas independientes con vistas al mar, encontramos esta casa con toda la simplicidad de la vida mediterránea, con una gran privacidad y una piscina que aliviará todas las preocupaciones acumuladas de nuestras ajetreadas vidas.

Si desea vivir unas vacaciones de naturaleza, tampoco se preocupe, aquí hay sorprendentes playas para descubrir. El interior de Almería, también es único, un paisaje árido de montaña donde los caminos solitarios serpentean a través de valles brumosos y barrancos secos hasta un desierto donde alguna vez se filmaron los westerns. Todo es muy distinto del resto de Andalucía

En la casa, el mobiliario es simple, la villa es clara, limpia y ordenada, y deja deliberadamente una decoración innecesaria para que no se impongan los gustos del propietario.

La villa es tan ligera y equilibrada como una dieta mediterránea.

El excelente diseño permite pasar libremente entre los espacios interiores y exteriores, y desde la cocina hasta las áreas de comedor y descanso. 

Los ventanales conducen a una terraza porche, el lugar favorito para cenar, a pocos pasos de la piscina y con vistas al Mediterráneo.

El día comienza con un espectacular amanecer a medida que el sol se levanta del mar, y es muy probable que no haya una sola nube en el cielo.

Realmente se disfruta del mar desde el interior y el exterior de esta villa.

Los días lluviosos en Mojácar son raros, las temperaturas no son extremas y suelen soplar agradables brisas marinas.

En julio y agosto, las horas más calurosas promedian los 31⁰C, que no están mal, pero considerablemente más fresco que en otras partes del sur de España. En invierno, las semanas más frías tienen un promedio de 17 ° C.

En esta villa se aguanta muy bien sin aire acondicionado y solo una de las habitaciones necesita (y tiene) un ventilador. Sin embargo hay otros dos ventiladores eléctricos por si fueran necesarios.

El alojamiento ocupa casi en su totalidad un solo nivel, con solo unos pocos pasos hasta las habitaciones, o hasta la piscina y su terraza.

La piscina es una belleza a la sombra de un pimentero y adornado con buganvillas. Su color turquesa contrasta con el azul más profundo del mar en el fondo. Se mantiene abierta durante todo el año, y aunque los baños de invierno sean más fríos, cuando estuvimos allí en el mes de marzo, medimos el agua de la piscina y comprobamos que se mantenía a una temperatura muy agradable de 18 ° C.

Hay iluminación nocturna en la piscina y una ducha de agua caliente. Es un lugar excelente para relajarse con una bebida fría y contemplar las montañas que son como naranjas arrugadas, el pueblo de Mojácar ubicado en la cima de una colina redondeada y el suave mar.

Se puede comer es un restaurante de gestión irlandesa a menos de 5 minutos a pie. Es un bar restaurante acogedor y encantador, en nuestra visita a esta casa tuvimos posibilidad de comer y no la comida nos encantó.

Es interesante descender un kilómetro y medio hasta Mojácar Playa, una playa larga, con todo tipo de vendedores de comida, agencias de diversas actividades, restaurantes sofisticados, lugares para relajarse, chiringuitos y hasta discotecas.

Los adolescentes disfrutarán de la diversión y el razzamatazz por la noche, especialmente si sus padres tienen la amabilidad de recogerlos en la rotonda de la carretera de la playa debajo de la villa.

También hay muchas playas abiertas, suaves y arenosas donde es fácil estacionar y nadar. Los parques infantiles en la arena son ideales para los niños, y pequeños desvíos por los caminos de la playa lo llevarán a calas y paisajes marinos naturales y rocosos.

Conduciendo tierra adentro durante una hora, habiéndose colocado un sombrero vaquero y masticando un cigarro, para entrar en situación, se llega a un paisaje desértico extrañamente familiar. Aquí es donde Sergio Leone dirigió a Clint Eastwood y Lee Van Cleef en El bueno, el feo y el malo. Y es donde se rodaban lo que algunos llamaban paella western. Brigitte Bardot, Anthony Quinn, Claudia Cardinale y Orson Welles protagonizaron aquí algunas películas.

El set de rodaje se ha conservado y está abierto a los visitantes, con el salón del Salvaje Oeste y actores que protagonizan violentos tiroteos simulados. Es una diversión irresistible. El parque temático se extiende hasta un zoológico y un parque acuático con piscinas y toboganes.

La periodista Liz Todd pasó unas vacaciones familiares en esta villa y escribió este artículo para la prensa británica que tituló:  "Una villa rural en la pintoresca Andalucía".

+ Descripción completa


Copyright © Rustical Travel. All rights protected. + Mostrar las 40 Fotos



Levante andaluz, muy próximo al Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata


Zona residencial sobre una la ladera, 1.7 km por encima de Mojácar Playa, cerca de un restaurante local.

Restaurante La Parata 4 min a pie
Mojácar 1,7 km
Playas y servicios
Garrucha 20 min
Pueblo pesquero
Cabo de Gata 25 min
Espacio natural protegido
Desierto de Tabernas 1 h
Mini Hollywood
Sierra Nevada este 1 h 30 min
Alta montaña
airport Aeropuertos cercanos
Almería (LEI) 1 h
Murcia (MJV) 1 h 40 min
Alicante (ALC) 2 h 15 min


Rustical Travel cobra en Euros. IVA incluido. No hay cargos adicionales a tarjetas.

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Booking information for AP44

  • La propiedad no es adecuada para niños pequeños ya que la piscina (tipo infinita o rebosante) tiene una posible caída desprotegida.

  • La piscina está abierta todas las temporadas.

  • Hora de entrada (check-in): desde 17:00h hasta 22:00h; Hora de salida (check-out): 10:00h

  • Esta propiedad requiere una fianza reembolsable de 150 Euros. Cuando formaliza una reserva, está autorizando a retener contra su tarjeta este importe y cargar posibles daños/roturas, impagos de servicios (cuando aplique) o limpieza excepcional.

Changeover day AP44

  • El día de cambio para esta propiedad tiene cierta flexibilidad, siempre que no se dejen espacios indeseables entre las reservas en julio y agosto.

+ Información esencial para reservar AP44


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Traducir reseñas al español
Jeanette | September | 2024

Well appointed house with everything we needed. A beautiful pool with a view to die for. Great communication and directions from the host to help us get there"

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Matthew | August | 2024

WE had the most exceptional family holiday at this superb villa! The villa was beautifully clean and had everything we needed and was as described. The gardener and pool cleaner came regularly so the pool and grounds were always so well maintained. The views are absolutely incredible and sitting on the veranda looking out on Mojacar was an absolute highlight! It's a quick drive down the hill into the town where there are a good range of restaurants, shops and bars. The beach and promenade are beautifully clean and a delight to walk along. We enjoyed hiring a pedalo from the beach to enjoy the water. We cannot recommend this villa highly enough and we will be back again! Rustic travel was easy to book and pay through. Lots of detailed information received prior to our visit which was really useful!"

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Fatih | August | 2024

Quite place at a top level privacy. Nice region, comfortable house. I recommend."

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Jo | June | 2024

This is a lovely Villa with outstanding Views and we enjoyed our week there, the villa was easy to find, vey quiet and well appointed, The pool is a great size, a little bit cold but helped keep you cool on a hot day. My only negative would be the outdoor furniture which was not very comfortable and we couldn't find any pads for the white sunbeds, Inside the villa was clean and comfortable with everything you could possibly need for your stay which included hairdryer, adapter plugs, books, games and music. I found dealing with Rustical travel to be easy and professional, I had every confidence in them throughout the entire booking and was comfortable that if anything did go wrong (Which it didn't) they would be there to support. I would definitely recommend and will use Rustical travel again."

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Elizabeth | May | 2024

We had a fantastic time in Mojácar in this villa. It was really big and very comfortable, and the view was spectacular. The restaurant just down the hill “La Parata” was excellent too - do go if you stay here! We’d definitely come back to this villa! Thank you for another lovely holiday."

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David | September | 2023

The property needs its drains looked at as water did not drain away from en-suite very quickly.Everything else was very good. Rustical Travel was excellent with all the information and booking service"

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Liz | March | 2023

We had a wonderful holiday at this villa in Mojaca! The location was fantastic with great views of the sea and a lovely swimming pool literally so close to the house that in just a few hops you were in! Our kids were so excited to have a pre-breakfast swim!The villa was bright and spacious; it is true that perhaps the bathrooms were a bit basic but for us they were more than fine. The wild beaches and coastal scenery was amazing. We would love to have another holiday here one day!

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Gemma | November | 2022

We have the most amazing holiday in this lovely villa, we would highly recommend. Rustical Travel were extremely well organised and we would definitely use them again."

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Lynne | November | 2022

We had a Winter holiday here, end on Nov beginning of Dec. We chose it because it had CH and glad we did as the evenings were cold but the heating worked well. We were on a walking holiday and each day we made the interesting drive down the the Cabo de Gata. This is a part of Spain we haven’t been to before. The landscape is dry and baron but walking amongst the volcanic rocks was an education. We didn’t spend days at the villa but ate breakfast outside and enjoyed the views. As others have said, all three bathrooms are desperately in need of a refit. Had it been a hotel we would have checked out. The two en-suite were very uninviting so we used the main bathroom and twin room . No amount of cleaning would make them nice but they were also dirty, dirty cracked grouting and around showers area. We’ve see this area now and have no desire to return. Looking forward to Asturias next year with RT"

Rustical Update

The property owners are carrying out some cosmetic work in March 2023 which will include for instance regrouting tiles in the bathrooms. However the bathrooms won't be fully renovated and rental prices won't go up for the time being (March 2023).

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Andrew | October | 2022

Lovely airy spacious villa with fantastic view from the veranda and pool area. Booking service was excellent - second time booking with Rustical Travel this year; will definitely use them again!"

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Rich and Karen | July | 2022

The Villa was excellent, and the people who opened up for us were lovely and helpful also. The pool and facilities were top notch, the only reason for a lack of the last Star was no air conditioning. It was very hot this Summer and although ok in the master bedroom with both doors open, our guests in the other rooms suffered at night with the heat. But overall a superb location, villa and holiday!"

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Bob | June | 2022

Fantastic location with amazing outdoor facilities. However, the property is getting a bit tired and could do with a refresh - loose tiles, etc."

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Christopher | June | 2022

Rustical Travel very good, particularly as we made changes due to flight changes. Villa was very good - just the same as when we last visited in 2019. Since then it could have benefited from a little love and care, some loose tiles on veranndah and pool and the oven took a very long time to heat up. Only very minor points at a lovely villa."

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Petronella | April | 2022

The location was lovely. The view stunning! Our host very eelcoming. Wonderful stay! Highly recommended!"

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Yves | October | 2021

It felled like coming home, the villa, the location, the view, the pool...Could stay there for months!"

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Liz | April | 2021

We had a great holiday at this villa in Almeria. The house was lovely and bright and welcoming. Being fussy about lighting, I also really liked the lamps at night time. Even though it was Easter we enjoyed the pool and lying on the terrace.We had a delicious meal at a local restaurant which was very cosy. The beaches were pretty with a wild feel. And the service we received from Rustical travel was first class and we look forward to booking another holiday with them!

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Deborah | October | 2019

We were thoroughly depressed when it came time to pack up and leave this villa. What a property and what a lovely location with stunning views down to the coast. The villa is deceptively large and the two of us rattled around quite happily in there for a week. The kitchen was extremely well equipped and the lounge area very comfortable to slob around in when we were confined to quarters on the one day that we had a storm. We even managed to find some English films on the TV to keep us entertained. Loads to see and do in the local area even though we were out of season. The coastal roads in both directions are a must for some fantastic scenery. There is a really nice vibe to the whole area. This is the fourth time that we have used Rustical Travel and everything was as seamless as ever. Many thanks to the property managers Juana and Jose who made three trips to the villa during the week before they finally managed to track us down to make sure that everything was ok."

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Christopher | August | 2019

Location, general facilities in the villa, swimming pool, were all very good. The little covered terrace was very useful and a pleasant area to sit day and night. The description of it being not overlooked was not quite correct in that the property to the right as you looked out to sea could look directly at the pool area, although not into the pool when you were in it - this didn't actually bother us as no one was there for most of the time. A small piece of screen or planting would help in this corner. Our only real criticisms were that all the pool chairs had been well used, such that the fabric was starting to tear and come away from the structures, although they were still usable. The shower in the main suite needed resealing at the door edge as it looked dirty (but it wasn't), the shower shelf was going rusty, and the floor (which had been painted over tiles) was stained around the toilet area - it wasn't dirty at all but looked it! These are really quite small items, but thought you might like to know. Although it didn't affect us, as this is marketed as a villa for 6, there were only 4 pool chairs (2 chairs and 2 loungers) and the lounge seating provision would have been small for 6. The reservation system and your communications were as excellent as the last time we used you in 2018. We could not fault your booking procedures."

Rustical Update

Further to the visits of our villa specialist it felt right to say the property is not overlooked. Although there are other houses nearby we consider the level of privacy to be pretty high and not directly overlooked.

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Alexandra | June | 2019

Our family throughly enjoyed the villa and were sad to say goodbye to that amazing view. Waking up every morning and being able to slip into the pool first thing was a treat. The water was always perfect and the pool was maintained while we were staying. The house was fully stocked with what ever instruments you might need for cooking/cleaning and even had some pool floats and towels. A car is a must at this villa and the streets are very steep. The beach is a little farther than I had expected but that didn't matter at all. Ample grocery choices in town but NOT open on Sundays so shopping on Saturday arrival is a must if you want things in the house."

Rustical Update

" data-es="">

For Sunday shopping Thomas supermarket is the best option. It is fairly well stocked (including fresh vegetables) and it is open every day of the week. Location: 37°06'49.3"N 1°50'30.8"W

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Ben | June | 2019

An incredible property in a stunning location. We loved every minute and would definitely return. Highly recommended"

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Ursula | June | 2019

The villa is great, its clean and spacious in a wonderful elevated position. The view looks down the valley from La Parata to Mojacar Playa and the shimmering sea beyond. It's a magical sight. You definitely need a car here as the road is very steep and we found the car a great asset to our holiday as we were really able to explore the local countryside, theres are fabulous beaches and the coastline is so dramatic with its volcanic formations and desert plants. We made it to Granada and the Alhambra which was stunning. There are many local restaurants, so no shortage of places to eat out, but it's relaxing to spend the evening at the Villa and eat in. The kitchen is well equipped with everything you might need for a special meal. Watch out if you have the oven on hot as the hob will stop working if it overheats. We also made the mistake of flushing toilet paper, this is an absolute no no as the drain will block and you will have to call Jose and Juanna, who are the lovely caretakers. It would be good if a notice could be put up in the bathrooms to remind guests. The Wifi is fine and worked well apart from one day when the whole valley lost service for a day due to wind. The villa is well cared for with a linen change once a week and the pool attendant and gardener come regularly too. Although the villa doesn't have Air Conditioning it was fine in early July with the electric fans we were kept cool enough to have a restful sleep every night. We wondered if the tree on the terrace was needing water as it shed leaves every day. All in all we had a fantastic holiday, we love Spanish culture and here its possible to get off the beaten track, its rural and rustic, try beautiful Nijar for local ceramics and hand made baskets and San Jose for Volcanic Boat Trips!"

Rustical Update

The property managers confirmed that they will put a sign in the bathroom so guests are aware that it is best not to flush toilet paper or towels. As per the oven, the property manager informed us that it was malfunctioning due to a broken part, but it has already been fixed.

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Helen | October | 2018

We absolutely loved staying at this villa. The view was a joy for us to wake up to every day and although it was a little chilly in late October we still enjoyed the pool! The villa was really well equipped with everything we could possibly need and it was well maintained and spacious, with a great layout for family living. We loved walking up to the top of the road where the road became a footpath and from there we were able to scramble up a dried river bed to the top of the hill from where we could watch the birds and see over into the next cove- a beautiful walk that the whole family enjoyed. We found the beach and the town chilled out as it was low season and this suited us just fine. When the sun came out it was like summer but without the crowds. We are also happy to find gluten free foods in the Mercadona and in the 'Blue' Heladeria so we were able to eat out with our Coeliac child and he was able to choose from a range of ice creams, which made him very happy. Driving down the coast to Agua Amarga was a lovely day out and we had a great walk over the cliffs to the next bay, with the October sunshine making for perfect walking weather. Thank you to the lovely couple who checked us in to the villa and to Juana for checking how we were mid-week and letting us stay a few extra hours as we had an evening flight. A brilliant villa and holiday."

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Catherine | June | 2018

We enjoyed a lovely HOT week here! The villa was well equipped, uncluttered and clean. It was very relaxing and quiet. We were glad we had a hire car as it gave us the opportunity to explore - finding less touristy places to eat. We avoided Mojacar Playa (too many English people!) and can recommend Escanez in Garrucha, La Candela their little cafe (El Cantina?). Both offered gluten-free (I'm coeliac) so I was happy... We did also visit the Bar Posada down the hill which was run by a very hospitable Dutch man. They served authentic and fresh tapas cooked by a French chef. It was very informal but really friendly. We had Maria's homemade paella as a takeaway one evening - delicious. We didn't venture into Shea's as we wanted to keep away from any ex-pats. The only thing lacking was up-to-date information about the local area, so, because there's no wifi, you do have to get in the car and drive... In conclusion, it was refreshing to get back to basics and not have to rely on phones tablets. A lovely tranquil break and Rustical Travel were as efficient as usual! Many thanks for a happy holiday The Hurling family"

Rustical Update

We have informed the property manager that it would be a good idea to have up-to-date local info at the house, so she can consider renewing this information. 
From October 2018, there is now WiFi at the villa.

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Rajula | November | 2017

This villa was truly beautiful and spacious. The views were amazing and we were perfectly secluded. The facilities were very good. The only thing would have made it perfect was if there was some basics supplied like salt, sugar, etc. But they did leave us a bottle of cava! Would definitely use this company again for our holiday villas. Excellent customer service and very helpful. Thank you."

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Chris | September | 2017

What a dream! From our first contact with Rustical Travel and Javier, throughout the holiday experience, I cannot recommend the company highly enough. The level of service and detail of response to our enquiries was excellent prior to our trip, including helping us source a barbecue. The villa exceeded our expectations – the location and views were stunning, the villa was clean and in great condition. This is our second holiday with RT and we've been recommending them since our return. Safe to say, all our friends got quite sick of our "idyllic" and "incredible" social media uploads. Thanks to all the team."

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Chris | August | 2017

We absolutely loved staying in this villa, the pool was gorgeous, it was massive especially for a couple but that was great because unlike being in a hotel it meant we could be in different areas of the villa having some me time reading etc, I loved how beautiful the all the flowers and plants were, it is a very well kept place! The only thing I would say was it doesn't have air con, we didn't mind too much as they provide little fans so we just put two in our bedroom, I would definitely recommend this villa to friends and family. A* 10/10"

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Nora | May | 2017

We had a wonderful time at the villa. The view is stunning and quality of relaxation was 'just what the doctor ordered' - it really is perfect for adults to relax. We would definitely return and tell our friends about it. Thank you!"

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Judith | September | 2016

We absolutely LOVED the villa! We travelled in September with our 6-month-old son and we had enough space for all the bits and bops you bring with you on a holiday with a baby. Juana and her husband were very helpful and accommodating, the villa was clean, spacious and the pool was just stunning, possibly the best pool I have ever had on a holiday! We did have the fan on at night with the window open which was OK in terms of heat. If I would have to find a negative it would be, that we weren't able to just pop out for a quick walk with the baby as the villa is located on quite a steep hill. We went to Mercadona and Lidl's for our food shopping, which both were around 5 km away. Stunning beaches were close enough to do a day trip with the baby. For anyone who doesn't need the hustle and bustle of a touristy town but wants some of it not too far away, this is the villa to stay, we loved it and would highly recommend staying here!"

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Deborah | July | 2016

We had a lovely relaxing time at this beautiful villa."

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Simon | August | 2015

We absolutely loved our stay at this villa. The views out to sea from the terrace over the beautiful pool were second to none. The villa itself was spacious and gave us plenty of room although of course we spent most of our time outside. The storms during our stay were out of the ordinary for the time of the year but the lightning and thunder up in the hills were something to behold. We didn't really spend any time in the resort of Mojacar although would definitely recommend Mercadona as the supermarket of choice. We also ate at Shea's restaurant which was a 5 minute walk away which was excellent value. Would definitely recommend this villa and also RusticalTravel who offered and gave great customer service. The storms were bad but they took the time to call us to make sure we were OK which was a very nice touch."

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Allison | March | 2015

We had our second visit to AP44 at Easter and it was wonderful yet again. The weather was great apart from the last couple of days and we really welcomed the extra information sent through by you about places to visit...Thank you for your goodwill gesture, we would like to return once again to AP44...fab holiday."

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Clare | October | 2014

Juana and her husband were helpful and arrived as planned a few weeks before. The directions to the villa were great (though if you stray and don't have a map it might be hard to find the way). The villa is nice, minimal and clean. The pool was great, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time there."

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Jane | July | 2014

Firstly Rustical Travel were a very good company to use, they responded quickly to queries and the payment system was easy to use. The contact from rustically travel was good and the information supplied was spot on. The villa was exactly as it was shown on the website, the pool area was lovely with unit un - interrupted views over the town below and the mediterranean. The bedrooms were large enough but only 2 had a fan and seen as this property doesn’t have air-conditioning sometime s it was difficult to sleep due to the heat. The kitchen had everything you would need so cooking in doors was easy. The lounge area was quite stark but we spent most of our time outside so it didn’t really matter to us. It would have been nice to have a BBQ outside along with a coupe more sun beds as there were only 4 and the villa sleeps 6."

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Wolfreys | April | 2014

We had a wonderful time at AP44, the caretakers were very welcoming and the pool and views were completely stunning. We have three children aged 6,10 and 13 and although the villa has no wifi we watched DVD's in the evening and the villas made us all feel really chilled out. The position of the villa is spectacular and worth the steep climb. We visited in April just before Easter and enjoyed lovely sunny days. We enjoyed fantastic customer service from Rustical before the trip with prompt responses to enquiries and clear directions to the property. This is the second holiday to Spain we have booked through Rustical and would not hesitate to recommend them. We would like to return to AP44 - as soon as we can. Thank you."

Rustical Update

From October 2018, there is now WiFi at the villa.

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Alan | October | 2013

We have just returned from our second Rustical Travel holiday and once again, we were absolutely delighted with the villa and with our Spanish holiday. The villa exceeded our expectations - the location, the view and the pool were spectacular, and the town of Mojácar was delightful, with excellent bars and restaurants. The villa owners were very friendly and made us feel most welcome. We were very fortunate with the weather too, as the local people informed us it was warmer than usual for October. We had such a good time that we are considering returning to AP44 in the future. Thank you once again for the excellent service. Kind regards."

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Alison | July | 2013

We have now returned from our holiday and would like you to pass on our thanks to the owners and especially the caretakers. They were very kind and helpful"

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We are very conscious and respectful of your right to privacy.

In order to process your booking and to ensure that your holiday arrangements run smoothly and meet your requirements, we must, of course, use the information you provide such as name, contact details, special requirements etc. But we take full responsibility for ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect your information.

We must pass the information on to the relevant suppliers of your holiday arrangements such as property managers, keyholder-caretakers and related service providers. The information may also be supplied to public authorities such as customs/immigration if required by them, in accordance with the law.

If we cannot pass this information to the relevant suppliers, we cannot administer your booking or arrange the holiday. In making this booking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons.

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  1. When a new user actively requests that we send details of special offers, or similar.
  2. Occasional promotional mailings to former clients that they can opt out of at any time.

Otherwise, we never use your  personal information for any purpose other than arranging your holiday booking.

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Your data controller is: Rustical Travel

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